We recently had the massive honour of hosting our 2024 Apprentice Awards at The Camfield on Friday 18 October.
Hosted by Dean O’Rourke, Executive General Manager for Residential WA, and Finn Dau, 2023 Best Final Year Apprentice, the night celebrated the accomplishments of the exceptional young people growing their trade skills through ABN Training’s apprenticeship programs.
It was also an opportunity for us to acknowledge our dedicated host trainers, our supporters and our sponsors who contribute so much to developing our apprentices.

Since launching in 2004, ABN Training has developed over 1,600 men and women through its programs. We have the pleasure of watching their careers flourish in the WA construction industry, with many going on to work for ABN Group either directly or as subcontractors.
Apprentices are the future of our industry and we strongly believe in supporting them in honing their skills and empowering their career goals.
A massive congratulations to all our winners and nominees. The future looks bright for our industry when we have such a high calibre of young men and women developing their trade.
Congratulations to our winners
Aaron Scott – Best Final Year Apprentice
Sponsored by Makita
Tahj Thompson – Best First Year Apprentice
Sponsored by Ox Tools
Jake Pawski
Most Improved Apprentice
Sponsored by Brick & Block Careers
Shane Carriage, Oyster Ceilings
Host Trainer Award
Sponsored by Hanson
Josh Branchi, B & P Carpentry
Safety Award (Trainer)
Sponsored by MEGT
Tanika Koutsoukis
Safety Award (Apprentice)
Sponsored by MEGT
Daniel Jonasson
Bricklaying Award
Sponsored by Apprenticeship Support Australia
Patrick Kerman
Carpentry & Joinery Award
Sponsored by Construction Training Fund
Mitchell Wood
Painting & Decorating Award
Sponsored by Steel Blue
Ryan Jones
Plastering Award
Sponsored by Dulux
Luke Rodrigues
Plumbing Award
Sponsored by Reece Plumbing
Michael Southerland
Roof Plumbing Award
Sponsored by Tool Kit Depot
Kaleb Lee
The Maker Designer Kitchens Award
Sponsored by Bunnings
Timothy Fraser
Wall & Ceiling Fixing Award
Sponsored by Independent Timber Supplies

Unsurprisingly, many of our winner apprentices have been recognised over the last few years for their accomplishments.
Best Final Year Apprentice Aaron Scott took home Apprentice of the Year at the 2024 HIA WA Apprentice Awards and received a High Commendation at the 2023 awards. He was also our best First Year in 2022 and Best Second Year in 2023.
Safety Award winner Tanika Koutsoukis won the Judges Commendation Award at the 2024 HIA WA Apprentice Awards and was our Best First Year in 2023.
Most Improved Apprentice Jake Pawski became a Brick & Block Careers ambassador earlier this year, encouraging other young people to seek a bricklaying career.
Host Trainer of the Year Shane Carriage also won our Safety Award (Host Trainer) in 2023, showing his care for his apprentice’s development and safety.
Wall & Ceiling Fixing Award winner Timothy Fraser won the same award in 2023, demonstrating consistent excellence.
Even our host Finn Dau is a multi-award winner. Prior to completing his carpentry apprenticeship through ABN Training, Finn won our Best Final Year Apprentice Award in 2023 and won silver in carpentry at the 2022 WorldSkills Regional WA competition. He was also awarded MBA WA’s Second Year Apprentice of the Year and Best Second Year Carpentry Apprentice in 2022.
Recognising our supporters
We would like to extend a massive thank you to the community of supporters our apprentices have around them. The ABN Training team, host trainers, site managers, suppliers, subbies and lecturers all play a vital role in their development. It’s your support that is empowering the future of our industry.
We’d also like to express gratitude to the award sponsors who donated prizes for our apprentices and host trainers. Your partnership and support really makes a different in the work we do.
Our sponsors for the 2024 ABN Training Apprentice Awards included Apprenticeship Support Australia, Brick & Block Careers, Bunnings Trade, Centurion Garage Doors, Clipsal, CSR, Construction Training Fund, Dulux, Hanson, Independent Timber Supplies, Makita, MEGT, Midland Brick, Milwaukee, OX Tools, Reece Plumbing, Steel Blue and Tool Kit Depot.