Dale Alcock Projects
Dale Alcock Projects specialises in medium-density projects, catering for Perth’s growing ‘missing middle’.
We work closely with developers of house and land estates, medium-density infill developments, retirement villages, childcare centres and other mixed-use developments to ensure projects are delivered on time, on budget and to the highest quality.
The Projects team is well-versed in a wide range of project typologies, including terraced housing, apartments, childcare centres and grouped housing.
Our unique hybrid model combines the efficiencies and commercial acumen of a commercial building firm with the trade base, processes and IP of WA’s leading residential volume builder.
The Dale Alcock Projects team is committed to forging long-term relationships with developers, architects, projects managers and other stakeholders and we pride ourselves on providing a flexible model that can be tailored to your requirements.
Discover some of our latest work
New social housing coming soon to Byford
It was a pleasure to host the team from Stellar...
Connecting to purpose in Piara Waters
Today we were incredibly proud to attend the official...